Freitag, 12. Dezember 2008

New Reason Refill Resource

it´s comming ....

New Refills

For Propellerheads Reason ...

Quality RFL from Talents such as oLO Von Borg (aka Quasar) & Maustaste

Stay tuned

High-quality Refills & Sound patches for REASON
in .rfl Format.

Grand opening end of 2008

Victoria Aitken REMIX Vicki from the Yacht

Victoria Aitken REMIX Vicki from the Yacht

Victoria Aitken

I finished the remix of "Vicky from the Yacht"listen to it here :

More Infos

Mittwoch, 16. Juli 2008

Olo von Borg * Back to the oLD school * record release

Good News !
The reknown English talent in scouting talents has proven itself once again

Distorted records picked me up on a deal including this very first oLO von Borg release.

The Labels Trackinfo page

Previewlink 1

Previewlink 2
Dont forget to also check the differently flavoured Oldschool-flava-remix of Back to the olDschool by Disco Dom !
Enjoy the pieces and do let me know how you feel about them.

More infos on the production via the "usual" messengerpaths.

Thanks for your attention and time
Quasar (oLO von Borg) <...while we´re at it, google me!

Sonntag, 24. Februar 2008

oLO von Borg GM

i just found this at youtube - a video by my friend matt frame


Dienstag, 15. Januar 2008

At the top - the air is getting thinner

Apple´s CEO Steve Jobs and his gang of strangely humoured, but sometimes semi- ingenius perspective and pioneering edge announced the Mac Book Air. 
I personally keep hoping for an iphone nano ;)


Donnerstag, 10. Januar 2008

08 beginning cold and sleepless ,but well

Greetings and once again a joyful new year to all of you!
Projects are taking up more and more time , but it may well be worth the effort.
 After a nasty hardware dropout of the main production hardware, a replacement is on its way and a bugfix for the production software is at hand as well. Artistically the cooperation with distortedrecords is working out even better than anticipated and a couple of fresh projects in a totally different field are coming to shape. 
For so long


PS: We finally put a first audio track on the myspace page, so you might want to check that link on the left hand bar.