Dienstag, 15. Januar 2008

At the top - the air is getting thinner

Apple´s CEO Steve Jobs and his gang of strangely humoured, but sometimes semi- ingenius perspective and pioneering edge announced the Mac Book Air. 
I personally keep hoping for an iphone nano ;)


Donnerstag, 10. Januar 2008

08 beginning cold and sleepless ,but well

Greetings and once again a joyful new year to all of you!
Projects are taking up more and more time , but it may well be worth the effort.
 After a nasty hardware dropout of the main production hardware, a replacement is on its way and a bugfix for the production software is at hand as well. Artistically the cooperation with distortedrecords is working out even better than anticipated and a couple of fresh projects in a totally different field are coming to shape. 
For so long


PS: We finally put a first audio track on the myspace page, so you might want to check that link on the left hand bar.